
Cold Trip

so i went on this field trip wednesday with my host mom. we rented a bus. i rode alone in the bus, and that was neat.

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I didnt know where we were going, but it ended up being an Outpost fort of the Ancient Roman Empire.

a place where troops could spend the night, i suppose.

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it was just foundations for a long time, but Kaiser Wilhelm II was interested in Rome, and financed the reconstruction of it.

i was an assistant teacher for all these little kids.

they had a museum for artifacts found here.

this was interesting to see

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there was a nice forest there, a lot like west virginia. but it was cold.

smelled good and fresh though.

i took a walk around, and sat on this nice bench with plants growing over it. it was too cold to sit for too long

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funny face

i was sad to see that ice cream was not permitted inside the walls of the castle
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some more of the castle and hole where there wasnt water, i was told.
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i drove the bus home
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end of adventure

today, was the last day of my language course. we had coffee and breakfast.
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and this is everyone that stuck with it. brad nepa was well represented by myself.
the kid to my left is Rodrigo. he is a good guy, from mexico. tomorrow, i might go to a latin bar with him.

finally, the very loud and rude and typical russian girl. i protested this picture, believe.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you really drive the bus? my my. they look just like the ones we used in italy/spain. i was always suprised there were such tiny cars and then tons of buses larger than i've seen in the US.
i'm glad the ice cream looks like it is floating. helium ice cream.
