So, this picture here was taken in Chemistry class. To start out the unit on organic chemistry, there were two pictures of god creating the earth and therefore, the elements. I dont know about the religion in the schools policy here, though i think that since there is a religion class, and we talk about religion in Ethic class, then i think this is fine. i didnt find a problem with it, but it just struck me as unusual.
And all of the sudden last week, these pro-health advertisements sprung up on the first floor. anti smoking, anti kit kats, and anti mcdonalds. This one was in particular pretty harsh.
Last weekend we had to go to a mandatory Rotary weekend, which i always try to avoid but this one was required. Obligatory. And so i organized tickets for the 5 of us from Bensheim and we got to ride some trains. It turned out to be very fun and relaxing and basically, i am amazed at myself for having a great time. Here is my friend Leah and I. Bam Margera lives in her neighborhood at home.
Another good thing about going to these things is to see Win and his friends from Thailand.
We were supposed to have presentations, and so i brought my computer and made one and we were waiting outside the big room to make them. In the end, i was forgotten and was not able to present my powerpoint, which would have been very entertaining, but here are some kids with their rotary jackets. I forgot my jacket but actually, its such a pain in the ass to take around. You have to move so carefully and i only brought a back pack with me and that was enough.
The americans. Why do i look so huge? larger than life.
Then we had a disco, instead of a dance. Whenever i dance, people laugh and think "is he serious?" and thats pretty annoying. "no no its really good! just funny." well how do you dance not funny? i have a jeep shirt.
Frankenstein. I was suprised, and impressed, and i had forgotten all about it.
Not much going on for the next week. maybe i will go ride some more trains or something. The following week is then the europa tour, but it could be that i will be missing out on London. but thats alright, because then i get to ride a bullet train to paris.
enjoy it.
where are the teachers? where is Frankenshtein?
you better be on the tour.
if not, you can't ever stay with me in cologne. i cant bear you know who alone
i think the rotary events are cool, but only because they happen rarely and usually end in absolute hilarity. the pictures are great, as usual. and keep posting because a ton of people (and I) read your site, even if they stay quiet.
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