so today my host father went to get my stamp so i can get into england. when he doesnt get it, if he doesnt, then i suppose that it really is a pointless battle and that i will be buying a bullet train to paris. thats alright, its sort of romantic, i would say, but then again, i want to see the reactions of my friends when i show up on thursday, as they know that there is a chance i wont be there and i have not been updating them. there is no point of updating anyone because it has been going back and forth between "I am allowed" and "am not allowed". i SHOULD have gotten a visa myself, but you know me.
so here are the photos, though they are not very special, just some more daily life things.
i have had to go to the other high school a lot recently, trying to track down a russian teacher. i met her today, actually, but she said she couldnt really help me, and so, i wont be going there anymore. BUT, the school is awesome, and it looks a lot prettier than mine. with these swooping arches and supports:
And i would say every school in germany has a different system of where to put all the kids' bikes. my school lines them up under little shelters, and this just looks like a mud yard and park at your own risk. makes a guaranteed good picture.
Back at MY school, we have Christian and someone else playing Badmiton, which is all they do. just kidding.
i've realized that since i am not so lonely anymore, i dont make as many good pictures. but here is a cool thing i saw. "the recycling day."
i hope zak still looks at this sometimes. there arent THAT many of these around, surprisingly
And we have a foyer, pronounced foiay, and there is a kitchen there. where they have a washingmashine and coffee and and the school pays for it and it is surpisingly well kept by kids like Yvonne here.
stunning picture. dont i look good? hanging out with the foiay
with constantine :O and varenna, who was in america for 6 months and now speaks typical american girl english. no offense, but its true.
constantine is one of the coolest kids i have ever met. the smartest kid in my grade and possible in the school. he is destined for great things, even though he thinks its just foreign ministry.
no doubt i will write more about him later, at least i hope. today we talked about german sports and just german stuff. and we share the name! though his nick name is Consty, and thats terrible.
so its just konstantin and constantine.
enough! off to sport! and europa!
love, kostya.
good luck!
- bernie
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