The summer progresses. Spring impacted and, its drama receding, has left us with a thick canopy in each tree above the 504 Catherine St. residence of yours truly and his friends. Been spending more and more time at the laboratory, finishing my responsibilities to the best of my abilities, learning to balance obligations, learning to work with people that need my help, instead of acting resentful. My time may be precious, but I can certainly help someone for a little bit. Here is an image representing the work that I've been doing for the past 6 months at least. Probably more like since September. This is a mouse muscle cut in cross-section, and each circle is a muscle cell. Muscle cells are pretty neat. They are very long and contract, each one creating a tiny little bit of force, each one pulling on another, each one additively contributing to the force the entire muscle creates. Fascinating. This muscle is the Soleus, the muscle that lets your foot pronate, so it pulls the arch toward the ground. Each red cell is a slow twitch muscle cell and each blue one is a fast twitch muscle cell. This muscle is more of a posture supporting muscle and therefore it has more slow-twitch cells, because these kinds of cells fatigue less easily...

the green is collagen in between cells. I developed this type of stain, its never been seen in publication, so my images are quite exciting, and I may get an image in a paper sometime soon.
Aside from work, I am riding my road bike a little more frequently and also playing kickball once a week.

I also made bread following a recipe donated by Kenley Jackson, of Sitka Alaska. Beer Cheddar Cheese.

355ml = 12 oz. of beer.

it tasted super good, everyone! To recommend some artists to listen to, please enjoy Abner Jay and Edith Piaf. Please enjoy
bread -> muscles -> kickball=science
i like the arrangement of things on the table - a perfect still life equal to the portrait of the person
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