Speaking of birthdays, this is a picture of Maria and I playing with a balloon. Action Action.
Its fall, and this just makes me think of the last entry i did about fall, a year ago. This is much better. Shit. Look at this awesome notebook. Flutter Flutter.
Trees. Which i really wish were easier to photograph. But this perspective is basically the only one i could really have.
I found this crazy computer screen that shows active earthquakes around the world in real time. I couldn't get a clear picture but its just interesting to watch. Its about every 5 seconds. This one isn't showing them in real time, but rather which ones were today, yesterday and within the last 2 weeks.
And this is me turning in my first paper. It was about justice. Werd.
So now to the most recently scanned ones. Bus.
This is in Ann Arbor. I love it. We have buildings like this everywhere.
I snuck snuck. tiptoe.
Brendt (standing) and Bill want to work at the radio station, so we looked at their library. These kids are music eaters. But the point is that this library at the station is very extensive.
Just fooling around.
A band called Sigur Ros played here a while ago and i camped out outside and waited for the people to flood out so i could have that. The show cost 30 dollars, so i didn't go, but my friends did and it was great, blah blah.
Mobiles. I forgot which way is up.
My mom went to Minniapolis Minnesota recently to take her boards and took these awesome pictures. Look at them! my mom took them!
She has great taste and a great sense of Humor. All these rocks and pototoes were outside the court house in the city. I am now thinking about going there to check it out. Maybe i could live there, seems very very cool.
Notice the one in the back mowing the lawn.
Another of people leaving the show.
These are from the Hands On Museum. I volunteered there, but there weren't really any little kids to entertain, so i explored and looked at the cool stuff. Here is a tornado that you could destroy with your hand.
And some water in a pool where you build boats.
And some electricity! AhhH!
Yes so this entire scanning and posting process took maybe an hour and a half. So appreciate it. I am quickly making a new roll disappear and will have new ones up relatively soon. On friday... i am going on a little trip trip trip to see something thats lacking.
Wish me luck i have a test on monday.
Isn't it interesting how i haven't had many pictures of me up? I think i dont like my short hair.
love, kostya.
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