For the first and last time this year, we used microscopes in biology. My opinion: AP Biology back home was certainly a wonderful, wonderful class.
And my host sister graduated from school, which is a much bigger deal here, i believe. But i think our celebrations were for the most part, more fun. Here she is getting her last reportcard, which really is like a permanent record, including how many absences she had in her school career and what she got on her final deadly test.
ALL the kids here have these big ridiculous bags that they carry around in school and they contain their pens and pencils. I think that they were necessary in elementary school and maybe until they were in the 8th grade, but they still continue to carry around these bags full of crap that they hardly ever use. Boy Scout mentality everyday. But Aylean's bag wins for being the greatest.
Win and I went to the lake and it is a pretty nice clean place where everyone goes on hot days. European kids dont wear speedos but those gross american suits. Well i still wore my drag shorts from swimming, and will always.
This was sort of a little celebration at Slobos. Sven's laugh is very very very very funny.
Max Flugel.
Inga and Nora at the other more isolated lake. They were in the Shakespeare play, too.
Here we are visiting a Rotarian and his wife. They are very nice to us and are surprisingly young. The lady is the daughter of a politian who was very involved in the German Government after World War 2. So she grew up relatively famous. Interesting.
THIS is how ive been feelings recently. Sort of bored and sort of lonely.
My host mom took me to the Neanderthal Museum, where the first Neanderthal museum was found. AND NeanderTAL is just a normal place. So thats where the name comes from.
Tada! I believe these were the first bones found here.
A translation of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species into German. Published in the 1860s.
Homo Erectus
Venus Statues
Micheal Jackson Manequin.
This past weekend, Karla flew back to Mexico. Here we are at our last Rotary event together. Notice that i am lacking something pretty important. She made a short speach and then we were out of there to go celebrate a little.
Goodbye Karla.
It is very interesting how the time is almost over. I am ready mentally, but there are still things i need to take care of. Its not going to be too difficult, just monumental and meaningful. But i seem to change a lot of things into symbolic status, and so it is nice that this time its already done for me. My goal now is to leave it behind but in good light, with people thinking, "wow, that was a very interesting person."
otherwise what was the point? if i didnt influence anyone?
if i am lucky therell be some more.
but if not, i cant believe it, all the same.
kostya, the same thing.
speaking about relativity: slugs experience time differently then their observers.
To influence many people is a serious task, whereas many people influence us effortlessly.
Giving and receiving occur in balance.
stop looking at your reflection...
Hi hu ever u guys r kool 2 ave some1 wiv same name as me(max flugel) wt country u frm??leave message here and i ave look in few months. smell ya l8rs alligators.
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