the town next to mine is one of the most famous in Germany, and i never went there until before i left. hm. Heppenheim has some of these cool half timered houses. And the most beautiful market place ever. Putatively.
Here I am standing with my hands behind my back and my eyes averted.
In the next picture, I am photographing the umbrella.
Alright, so this is how it developed. Everyone wanted me to make a going away party but that was just too much work. So Sven organized it and i paid for it. Here is a picture of Sven's Plan, and though you cant read it, its alright. He made this good plan and it worked and oh, how wonderful.
This party was up in the mountains and people came and basically the next few pictures are of kids that came to bid me farewell and some of me that are progressively funnier and goofier. And i dont care about the self incrimination.
Pascal and Frierich lighting the grill!
Sven and Phil. Phil is a "music expert".
Oh look how many people came! Oh!
Sven as Filbert. Me with my classic look away to the left pose. "Hey, whats going on over there?"
Nikolai, who is a talented Actor. I will miss our conversations.
Martin Caesar (yes), Steffen and I. Steffen is going to go work in Australia.
Sebastian also helped organize it all.
Ah! a girl. Named Silke.
Steffen is such a good kid. Jesus. He helped make a photo album for me.
The other Constantin, who wrote an incredible letter for me. Thank you.
And lets see, Sebastian is hugging Damaris, Suzanne and me. i like this picture.
and when everyone left, i walked to the other mountain and up to the top to watch the sun come up for the last time over Bensheim. But it wasnt sad. It was sort of triumphant, and i was going home! It was a nice ending. With a beginning, interestingly enough.
I felt really tired of Germany, of being different, and though i really felt included and accepted at the end, and i appreciate everything, i was still the guest and the exchange student, and i thought it really was time to go back home to what i know and they do not. Everyone has something like that, and i was separated for a very good while. I think that the year didnt go very fast. Of course i am here at home and think about the last time i was here. Fine, but i think i will always remember that when i was 18, i had a relatively difficult time away from comfort and dependability. i suppose i learned that i can trust myself to accomplish what it is that i really want. i wanted to make friends and i wanted to teach them something and leave a part of me behind, and i wanted to go home. and i have almost accomplished everything. i just need to go see my friends.
The last photo in Germany:
To Deutschland: Thank you very much, i bow to your lessons and experiences. But i can now focus on what is next. Your importance to me was monumental. Thank you to my friends and to my host families. There are people there that cannot be found anywhere else, and that is something i hope they understand.
and so, now that that is over, i will announce my beginning of College, the next step. Exciting. I would like to try to document it in a similar way, and so, if you would like to keep looking at me, please do.
I will give everyone time to become accustomed to this, and so in one week, i will change my website address to
and i will see how that works.
love, konstantin bakhurin, almost 19 years old.