Here are the rotary exchange kids in Bensheim. Well, the guy on the very left is gone. His year ended this past saturday, because he is from Brazil, so he came last Winter. The girl is from mexico, Karla. She likes to travel and talks a lot. I dont really have to listen, though, and all she requires is an Uh-huh or OK once in a while.
The blonde boy is insane. No one really understands him and he feels like people are intimidated by him. he has a very intense workout schedule throughout the week, and compared to most german guys, is pretty fit. And on the far right is Win from Thailand. I would say he is one of the nicest people i have met in Germany. that goes to show, eh?
this is just a good picture. This guys name is Sven, and he likes Drama, and basically nothing else. i like him a lot. This is at the bar where all young people in Bensheim go. pretty fun atmosphere every weekend.
Julian, my host brother, and I broke a glass "that cant be found anywhere anymore" and so we ate it with mischevious indignation.
Here is what the weather is like ALL THE TIME. and what my street looks like everyday.
OH last wednesday i went with my host aunt to Darmstadt. She had to go shopping and i took a walk around. It was a very nice feeling for some reason, to be alone in this city, where there were so many people, and students and i just thought, "I love being in cities." I think Darm means intestine. so i was in intestine town.
Backs! hot and fresh directly to you!
The direct center of Darmstadt.
Yes, it was definately worth 1 euro. The overwelming masses agree that i look french in this photo.
My german class and I went to see a play in Frankfurt. Here we are following the teacher to get to the play. Of course, all of the boys (excluding me) had back packs full of beer with them. the culture differences are incredible...
The play:
and the climax. Literally? Figuratively? what does he mean?
Using Ben's teacher motif for a second, i will ask if you remembered that Frankfurt is the Bank Capital of Germany, if not Europe.
Obvious Symbolism:
Well, i think that does it for a while. the next exciting things are a possible trip to Cologne for Carnival. Then we got February, and Middle March i am leaving for Le Tour de Europe. and will be inactive for an undisclosed amount of time.
but maybe i will just keep taking pictures of my very lazy and definately enjoyable life here in germany.
Let there be marches in the streets, oh Captin my guide!