here we go.
first we sang some. i liked singing because once my voice got warmed up, i was pretty good, and i would hold the book up to my chest and sing and my host brother said it was funny. good.
then we heard a christmas story each adult and a christmas poem from Julian, my host brother. in the middle of it, he stopped, and said, "this is shit, im not doing it, its too embarassing"
i really tried to keep from laughing, but it was so wonderful. he was my hero that night, with the protest against all the christmas crap. my protest included opening my advents calendar randomly. but his was so great. soooooo great.
then we opened presents, which means everyone sort of stands around, and the presents you got for people, you have to give out yourself. which meant that for a while, no one got any from me, since i didnt catch on.
socks, hand made by my Host Grandmother. i am not looking at them with dissappointment, but with awe, because they are, awesome.
cute? in this picture, yes. i will admit
chocolate! my favorite! and huge!
a euro coin collector book. very cool. i think i am holding my gift certificate to a health club.
i just like this one.
the table also looks pretty nice, like me.
this was when they were showing me what the appropriate and unappropriate things to do at the dinner table after you are finished. i am exaggerating an appropriate thing. an unappropriate thing, for example, would be to put your head in both hands, or to not put your utensils at the 5 oclock position, dude.
one of Noras wonderful presents to me. beats robots, id say.
a picture done by me. the first, i think. the christmas tree was conservatively ornamented, but was pretty. it went up first on the 24th as well, so no christmas tree for a month or anything. i think its there until the 6th. or sommat.
and, one of the greatest things about this year, of which i am VERY proud of, my new, shiney, wonderful, always wanted, never had before, amazing, beautiful,
Kostyas new Real Horrorshow Saboks.
so pimp so pimp.
after presents we went to church, where i sang more and louder, but will not be doing so in the near or distant future again. i was just trying to get into it, and "show interest in the family". but it made it better.
and then we all walked home and i went out.
next morning, on the 25th, we got up, and to "make me feel more at home" we opened some presents like we do at home, in pajamas, before breakfast. then we ate breakfast in our pajamas listening to the muppets and raffi. was very wonderful, but...
i will tell you i cant wait for good old calm, not too important christmas with my real parents next year. and my real friends.
until the next post, which will be next year, about new years, i suppose.
if anything worth mentioning goes down.