here are some more funny things:
im sure there is engrish in japan. but here too? yes. slight, subtle engrish.
at my language course, there is an italian guy. he is very fun. for my birthday, he gave me a bracelet with the italian colors on it. it smelled like cigarettes, so i put it away for when it doesnt. i like him though.
and i had my birthday here. i think im the first kid from morgantown to have had a birthday on the exchange. it was a little difficult at times. but everyone here made a big effort to make me feel happy.
in the morning, i got up at 6:30 and we ate breakfast by candlelight.
it reminded me of my room one night in july.
they sung happy birthday in english for me and i got a alarm clock and a card. and candy.
and tickets to a musical that night.
more on that later.
my parents called. i was a little hesitant to answer the phone because i thought i had to speak german, but i was alone, and figured who would call this early besides my host parents, who had just left for work. i answered and heard "uh uh uh konstantin uh uh uh" and it was my parents. it was such a good surprise.
this is me talking with my mom, getting ready for school also.
i went to school and gave everyone candy for my birthday. we were learning about dates and how to tell someone what date it is. and birthday were the example. it was so perfect. then we practiced giving gifts, and using that verb, so everyone came to my party and gave me gifts. i got a TV a car, 2 ties, a flower, a book, and candy.
at home, i ate a good lunch and people just kept coming for coffee. my host mom invited a lot of people for my birthday, and it made me feel good. they sung happy birhtday in german. it is much better than the english happy birthday. with clapping and its very long. they didnt want to sing all of it. and it was cool how all the little kids there knew it and sung loud and knew when to clap. basically, it was more complicated than ours, and that makes it better.
i got a journal, stationary, lots of candy, some comic books that should help me with the language. (donald duck and simpsons)
and a german novel i said i will save for june. i also got this beast kinder chocolate surprise:
i dont know what to do with that.
a lady that has a wine making factory gave that to me. she speaks perfect english and said she would take me to the factory sometime. they are global, she kept saying.
we ate lunch and had coffee and tea for me.
then we drove to stuttgart to see the musical.
i was prohibited from taking pictures of the show, but outside were some fountains
the play was called Mama Mia. it was basically "Who is Cartmans Father" but without the denver broncos and it wasnt funny. i found it hard to pay attention to because i couldnt understand it very well. but i got the idea.
the best part was that it was a musical "with the hits from ABBA" hahaha. every once in a while, they would play dancing queen. thats the only one i knew, but all the germans danced in their seats to EVERY song. and all the women clapped all the time. the worst parts were when everyone in the theater laughed and i had no clue what was funny.
we got home at 12:15 at night. but we would have gotten home later if there was a speed limit and we werent going 200 kph on the autobahn!
that was the best part of the night. and it was a full moon. :)
im going to school. bye!